Ankle and Leg Injuries and Rehabilitation


Athletic injuries are common, but they don't have to be debilitating. If they are preventable, athletes can work to limit their injury risks while maintaining their competitive spirit. This is especially important in the competitive sports where speed and power are essential aspects of the game. Here, I'll talk about what you need to know about athletic injuries and rehabilitation, and how you can work with your doctor or physical therapist to manage those injuries.

Athletic injuries often involve sprains, ligament tears, fractures, dislocations, and ankle sprains. These types of injuries usually require an overnight stay in the hospital, and can interfere with daily activities such as homework, school, work, and everyday activities like walking to the store. Most doctors and physical therapists consider ankle injuries to be minor, but there are some instances that they can be more serious. For these reasons, it is critical that athletic participants go through a thorough physical exam and a thorough recovery plan, including medical monitoring and a program of rest and exercises to return to normal daily activities.

Ankle sprains and fractures are typically classified as either acute or chronic. An ankle sprain is usually a result of an athlete impacting his foot while jumping, changing direction mid-air, or landing awkwardly. This type of injury can be treated with rest and ice, and the patient may be instructed to take over-the-counter pain medications. Some athletes find that applying cold therapy to the injured foot aids recovery. To prevent further ankle sprain, the athlete should wear a brace during the rehabilitation process.

In contrast to the ankle sprain, a Achilles tendon tear is a more severe event. When an athlete suffers from a Achilles tendon tear, he will most likely require surgery and physical rehabilitation to rehabilitate fully. A torn Achilles tendon is very common in weight bearing activities such as running, basketball, soccer, volleyball, football, and track and field events. Treatment for a Achilles tendon sprain at the wellness center includes a variety of therapies, including anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone injections, and other therapeutic procedures to prevent further damage to the tendon.

Several other types of sports injuries can include tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, patellar tendonitis, swimmer's shoulder, and many others. While these sports injuries are less common than torn ligaments and tendons, they still need to be treated and rehabilitated properly. A comprehensive physical exam, adequate stretching and warm up, and conservative treatment are essential to alleviate discomfort and prevent further injury.

In summary, if you have sustained an injury to one leg, you should have a thorough examination by a licensed athletic injuries and rehabilitation physician. He or she will perform a thorough evaluation and take a complete medical history. Then, depending upon the severity of your injury, your doctor will determine the appropriate course of treatment. If you have sustained ankle injuries and rehabilitation options do not include physical therapy, you may want to visit a podiatrist who can recommend a podiatric physical therapist who can help you with foot and leg rehabilitation and get you back out on the field quickly.

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